The use of materials data for cyclic loading determined on unnotched specimens to predict the fatigue life of notched components has a long tradition, specifically when it comes to nuclear engineering. The basic principle is that the material behaviour of the unnotched specimens can be transferred to what the material is exposed to be in a notch root. This principle has been proven for large notches. However, what happens when the notch is relatively small? Can the fatigue life still be predicted on the grounds of what has been considered as the local strain or Neuber approach? A key reference in that regard is the Neuber equation or generally the load versus notch stress, notch strain – or any combination of those – relationship. In a larger study, unnotched and notched specimens from the metastable austenitic steel AISI 347 have been tested and characterized providing a database that may give some answers to the question raised above.The unnotched specimens considered here had a cross-section diameter of 10 mm while the notch radii of the notched components were only 0.5 and 0.35 mm, respectively. Notch radii of such dimensions will easily reach a fully plastic condition once the material has exceeded the yield limit, because the difference in load between yield start in the notch and full plastification is relatively small. This fully plastic state exceeds the validity of the Neuber equation and requires respective corrections. In this paper it is shown how such corrections can be obtained through a finite element analysis and how this applies to the cases mentioned above.
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