The degradation of plant material that falls into streams plays a significant role in ecosystem function (Giller & Malmqvist, 1998). For example, Fisher and Likens (1973) estimated that up to 99% of the total energy input in a deciduous woodland stream came from the terrestrial surroundings and that approximately 29% of this input was provided by leaf material alone. Thus, examining factors that influence the degradation of leaf material in streams is critical for understanding ecosystems processes in nature (e.g., Cummins, 1973; Webster & Benfield, 1986; Graca, 1993; Wallace & Webster, 1996). This exercise can be used to provide both high school and college students the opportunity to examine the role that microorganisms and macroinvertebrates play in determining the pattern of leaf degradation in streams. When leaves enter streams, they undergo a predictable sequence of changes that result in degradation. These changes can be categorized into three phases (following Webster & Benfield, 1986): 1. Leaching, in which dissolved organic matter and soluble inorganic constituents leach out from the leaves. 2. Microbial colonization, in which fungi and bacteria colonize the leaves and degrade them by penetrating the surface and digesting cellulose, pectin, chitin, etc. 3. Fragmentation, in which the combined effects of invertebrate shredders (e.g., isopods, amphipods) and mechanical disturbance, caused by the action of the stream, result in the conversion of the large leaf material (coarse particulate organic matter, CPOM) into small particles (fine particulate organic matter, FPOM). Throughout this sequence, energy that was contained in the leaves becomes available to organisms living in the stream. For example, energy is obtained by the microorganisms feeding on the leaves, the shredders feeding on both the leaves and the microorganisms, the filter feeders capturing small food particles that flow downstream, and the predators consuming both the shredders and the collectors. The amount of energy released from leaf material and the retention of that energy in the local area are dependent on the relationship between the microorganisms that colonize the leaves and the macroinvertebrate shredders that feed on the leaves. The microorganisms induce both physical and chemical changes in the leaves that increase their palatability to shredders (Webster & Benfield, 1986; Graca, 1993). As a consequence, shredders exhibit preferences for these conditioned leaves, and individuals that feed on conditioned leaves have higher survivorship, increased fecundity, and faster growth rates than individuals that feed on unconditioned leaves (Graca, 1993). Thus, more of the energy is retained in the local system. In addition, increased feeding activity of shredders will increase the production of FPOM, which provides energy for both the filtering and gathering collectors that live downstream. We present a laboratory-based exercise that demonstrates the relationship between leaf conditioning and the feeding activity of invertebrate shredders. Specifically, students test the hypothesis that leaf conditioning influences the amount of leaf material consumed by invertebrate shredders (stream isopods or amphipods). This exercise provides repeatable results, does not require technical equipment, and can be completed in the laboratory relatively cheaply. In addition, both qualitative and quantitative approaches can be used to describe the data, which allows the exercise to be modified based on the statistical expertise of the students. By the end of the experiment, students will have gained an understanding of the critical role that leaf conditioning plays in determining the pattern of leaf degradation in stream ecosystems. To date, we have used this experiment to demonstrate ecological concepts with a hands-on approach. When the experiment has been completed, we introduce a more inquiry-based approach in which students are given the opportunity to both generate new hypotheses and design experiments to test hypotheses that we provide (see Discussion for specific examples). …
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