Abstract In this paper, CPR1000 Nuclear power plant was taken as the reference unit. According to CPR1000 Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA), the Large Break loss of coolant accident (LOCA), Medium Break LOCA, Small Break LOCA, Station Blackout (SBO), Total Loss of Feed water (TLOFW) and Anticipated transient without trip (ATWT) with Loss of Main Feed water (LOMF) were selected as the representative accident scenarios. The house holding deterministic programs LOCUST were used to analyze each of the above selected scenarios for five different accident tolerant fuels (ATF). The effects on accident process, reactor core damage time, system success criteria and personnel response time were analyzed under the above scenarios. The above results for the five ATF materials were compared to those for standard UO2-Zr in the same scenarios, then some useful conclusions were obtained which can be used to support ATF material selection. In the end, based on the deterministic calculations, the effects of different ATF materials on CPR1000 PSA results such as core damage frequency (CDF) were evaluated in detail with traditional PSA software Risk Spectrum. According to the results, ATFs have some advantages on core damage time, success criteria or operators’ action time window. But the CDF was changed little compared to standard UO2-Zr system. Through the studies, it is found the most important thing is that due to the much longer time windows some new plant modifications can be provided to mitigate the accidents which can contribute to the plant safety and decrease risk more.