Dr. Bria n Clarke, of the Deparn:aent of Zoology, Edinburgh University, has presented mewi th a problem which may be generalized as follows. A large population of diploid organisms has an annual breeding season. The organisms become mature at m years. After this.a fraction s survives in each consecutive year. The mortality before maturigy is irrelevant. *Fertility-does not atter with age. t f it does so this could be at least part ly allowed for by changing the value ofs. Atl mature organisms mate at random. Dr. Clarke was concerned with a pop\clarion of Cepea nemoralis in which m was 2, and s about 0.5. Irl birds m varies from 1 to 5 or more in different species, and s f romlabout 0-3 ~o about 0"9. However when s is large I monogamy appears to be frequent. The population is polDr~orphic for a pair ofautosomal alIeles A and a. The mortal i ty of AA and Aa is the same. However for each AA or Aa which survives to matur i ty , 1-K a a surviv% arid for each AA or Aa which survives during a subsequent year, I -k aa survive. 37 and ~: are riot necessarily positive, nor o f the same sign. The3r are however supposed to have small absolute values, so that their squares or product may be neglected. The gametes produced in the year n are p= A+q~ a, where p~@q,~= t. I t is required to find art approxima~e functional relation between q+, and n. Dr. Clarke believed that in his snail populations k was about 1-02, and K 2 k , that is to say the annual diffez:entiaI mortality was constant. Idowever C give the solution for the more general casea So long as [K[ and l kl are small, while 1-s is not small, we can treat the finite difference equations as differential equations, as was done by H a l d a n e (1924) and most later