Nowadays, membrane bioreactor performancesare well known in term of quality of pollutantremoval from wastewater including possibility oftreated water reuse. As regards the excess sludgeproduction, the strict levels of environmentaldirective and the limiting disposal options,imposed to develop strategies on the reductionof biomass production in wastewater treatment [1].A type of strategy consists in limiting the amountof substrate supplied to the biomass, i.e. the foodto microorganisms (F/M) ratio. In this substrate-limited condition the allocation of the substrateis preferentially turned to maintenance energyrequirements [2,3]. However, to ensure a capabil-ity of the system to treat acceptable organicvolumetric loadings, development of reactors withhigh biomass concentration is essential. On thisway, fixed cultures and specially membrane bio-reactors (MBR) appears as adequate solutions. Indeed, according to Pirt theory [3], it seemspossible, for a given F/M ratio, to reach asteady state biomass con centration in a continu-ous system without any sludge extraction andconsequently, a MBR system should be able toachieve a stable biomass concentration in thereactor avoiding any excess sludge production.As well Ref. [4] showed that the initial sub-strate/biomass ratio is a critical parameter inbatch experiments: when cell growth is limitedby carbon source, low initial substrate/biomassratios, the bacterial metabolism imposed stor-age compounds synthesis. This phenomenon —synthesis and consumption — leads to biomassconversion yields lower than a biomass replica-tion process which is favourable at highsubstrate/biomass ratios [5]. This result may bean important point when comparing continuousand sequencing bioreactor functioning at thesame organic loading. Indeed a continuousfeeding of the reactor corresponds to a continu-ous low F/M ratio (with adapted MLVSS in thereactor) then a sequencing system will receivemomentously higher F/M ratio during the feedperiod. The aim of this work is to study and comparethe biological and filtration performances of twoimmersed membranes bioreactors, one is operat-ing in a sequencing way (MSBR), the other onein a continuous way (MCBR). The operations