The City Birth Trauma Scale (City BiTS) is a questionnaire designed to assess the posttraumatic symptoms after birth. This study aimed to explore the factors structure, internal consistency, known-groups validity, and convergent validity of the City Birth Trauma Scale in Slovakia. Cross-sectional Slovak national data from the INTERSECT study were analyzed in this study. The research was set in four public hospital sites in central and eastern Slovakia. A 28-item City BiTS online questionnaire was administered to 437 women 6-8weeks postpartum study (mean age 30.5±4,8; range18-45), along with the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the Post-Traumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale indicating previous trauma. The stressor criterion of PTSD based on DSM 5 classification was met by 11.5% of postpartum women in the Slovak sample, and all criteria for PTSD were met by 2.8% of participants. Significantly higher City BiTS scores were found among primiparas (p≤0.01), women who experienced previous trauma (p≤0.001), with positive psychiatric anamnesis (p≤0.001), and women after assisted vaginal birth or emergency caesarian section (p≤0.001). The Slovak version of City BiTS has been shown to have good reliability and good divergent and known-groups validity. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the two-factor model of the BSS-R offers a good fit to the Slovak data (χ2(df = 169)=574, p<0.001, CFI=0.90 and RMSEA = 0.08). The Slovak version of the City Birth Trauma scale has been found to have good psychometric properties comparable with other validation studies of this measure.
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