Recent burns in the western United States attest to the signif- icant geomorphic impact of fire in mountainous landscapes, yet we lack the ability to predict and interpret fire-related erosion over millennial time scales. A diverse set of geomorphic processes is often invoked following fire; the magnitude of postfire erosional processes coupled with temporal variations in fire frequency dic- tate the extent to which fires affect sediment production and land- scape evolution. In the Oregon Coast Range, several models for long-term rates of soil production and transport have been tested and calibrated, although treatment of fire-related processes has been limited. Following recent fires in the Oregon Coast Range, we observed extensive colluvial transport via dry ravel, localized bed- rock emergence due to excess transport, and talus-like accumula- tion in adjacent low-order valleys. Soils exhibited extreme but dis- continuous hydrophobicity, and no evidence for rilling or gullying was observed. Using a field-based data set for fire-induced dry rav- el transport, we calibrated a physically based transport model that indicates that soil flux varies nonlinearly with gradient. The post- fire critical gradient (1.03), which governs the slope at which flux increases rapidly, is lower than the previously estimated long-term value (1.27), reflecting the reduction of slope roughness from in- cineration of vegetation. By using a high-resolution topographic data set generated via airborne-laser swath mapping, we modeled the spatial pattern of postfire and long-term erosion rates. Postfire erosion rates exceed long-term rates (which average 0.1 mm·yr 21 ) by a factor of six, and subtle topographic variations generated local patches of rapid postfire erosion, commonly.1 mm·yr 21 . Our sim- ulations indicate that fire-related processes may account for ;50% of temporally averaged sediment production on steep hillslopes. Our analysis provides a mechanistic explanation for the coincident early Holocene timing of increased fire frequency and regional ag- gradation in Oregon Coast Range drainage basins. Given the sen- sitivity of steep hillslopes to fire-driven transport, changes in cli- mate and fire frequency may affect soil resources by perturbing the balance between soil transport and production.