Aim. The aim of the study was to evaluate the food consumption frequency and physical activity level in cancer patients treated in Hacettepe University Oncology Hospital, in Ankara/Turkey. Methods. We have randomly selected 60 (35 men, 25 women) cancer patients between the ages of 16-77 years. The study was carried out using a “face to face interview technique”. The patients were assessed for their physical activity level, number of main meals and snacks consumed daily, amount of drinking water in a day and food consumption frequency. Results. The mean age of the patients included in the study was found 52.2±2.1 years. Body mass index (BMI) of patients ranged from 14.0- 43.3 kg/m 2 and mean BMI was found as 23.8±0.9 kg/m 2 for men and 26.7±1.3 kg/m 2 for women. The most common cancer type was found to be lung cancer among men and breast cancer among women related to the type of cancer diagnosis. According to the evaluation of meal skipping, it has been found that half of the patients do not skip meals, 40.0% always skip meals and 10.0% sometimes skip meals. It has been shown that decreased appetite was the most important cause of skipping meals. The frequency of consumption of meat products (salami, sausage, etc.) have decreased after the diagnosis in the patients. It has been observed a significant increase in the frequency of consumption of oilseeds (walnut, hazelnut) after diagnosis in the patients. When physical activity status of the patients was asked, 30.0% of them have been reported to walk daily or every other day or three times per week. The mean duration of daily walking was found 30.4±3.9 minutes. Conclusion. In this present study, it has been seen that both male and female patients have tried to give up improper eating habits after diagnosis. Healthy nutrition and regular physical activity are important for the improvement of the life quality of the cancer patients. Keywords: Nutrition, physical activity, cancer, food consumption frequency Ozet Amac. Bu calismanin amaci, Ankara ili Hacettepe Universitesi Onkoloji Hastanesi'nde tedavi goren kanser hastalarinin besin tuketim sikligi ve fiziksel aktivite duzeyini degerlendirmektir. Yontem. Yaslari 16-77 yil arasinda degisen, rastgele ornekleme yontemiyle 60 (35 erkek, 25 kadin) kanser hastasi secilmistir. Bu calisma yuz yuze gorusme teknigi kullanilarak gerceklestirildi. Hastalarda fiziksel aktivite duzeyi, gunluk tuketilen ara ve ana ogun sayisi ve bir gunluk besin tuketim sikligi ve gunluk tuketilen icme suyu miktari degerlendirildi. Bulgular. Calismaya dahil edilen hastalarin yas ortalamasi 52,2±2,1 yildir. Hastalarin vucut kitle indeksi (BKI) 14,0-43,3 kg/m 2 arasinda degismektedir ve erkeklerde ortalama BKI 23,8 ± 0,9 kg/m2, kadinlarda 26,7 ± 1,3 kg/m 2 olarak bulunmustur. Tanisi konulan kanser turleri incelendiginde, erkeklerde akciger kanserinin, kadinlarda meme kanserinin en sik rastlanan kanser turleri oldugu tespit edilmistir. Ogun atlama durumlari degerlendirildiginde, hastalarin yarisi ogun atlamamakta; %40.0’inin her zaman ve % 10.0’unun bazen ogun atladigi tespit edilmistir. Istah azalmasinin ogun atlamada en onemli neden oldugu gosterilmistir. Hastalarda et urunlerinin (salam, sosis, vb.) tuketim sikligi tanidan sonra azalmistir. Hastalarin tani sonrasi yagli tohumlari (ceviz, findik), tuketim sikliginda belirgin bir artis gozlenmistir. Hastalarin fiziksel aktivite durumu sorgulandiginda, bireylerin %30,0’unun her gun, gunasiri veya haftada uc kez yurudugu bildirilmistir. Gunluk yuruyus sureleri ortalama 30,4 ± 3,9 dakika bulunmustur. Sonuc. Bu calismada, hem erkek hem de kadin hastalarin tani sonrasi yanlis beslenme aliskanliklarindan vazgecmeye calistiklari gorulmustur Saglikli beslenme ve duzenli fiziksel aktivite kanser hastalarinin yasam kalitesinin iyilestirilmesi icin onemlidir. Anahtar sozcukler: Beslenme, fiziksel aktivite, kanser, besin tuketim sikligi