SWAYAM is an acronym that stands for "Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds". MOOC Platform was developed indigenously by AICTE in 2016 to facilitate the hosting of online courses that could be accessed by anyone, anywhere at any time free of cost to achieve three cardinal principles of Education Policy viz. access, equity, and quality. On the SWAYAM portal, Internet Handling Skills would involve navigating the platform effectively, accessing course materials, participating in online discussions and forums, submitting assignments, and engaging with instructors and peers. It also includes understanding how to use the features and tools provided on the portal to enhance learning, such as multimedia content, quizzes, and interactive modules. Additionally, being aware of online etiquette and security measures while using the SWAYAM portal is essential for a positive and productive learning experience. The investigator aims to study the impact of IHS on the SWAYAM portal among B.Ed. Trainees at Pudukkottai. Pre–Test / Post–Test single group design method was applied for the present study, the investigator divided two groups namely the first group and second group both are considered to be a sample. To find out the level of handling skill in the SWAYAM Portal among B.Ed. Trainees. To study whether there is a significant difference between Pre-test and Post-test scores in handling the SWAYAM portal among the first group, second group, and total sample B.Ed. Trainees. The investigator applied an experimental research method. A purposive sampling technique was adopted. 100 B.Ed. Trainees of first-year students in Government College of Education Pudukkottai district. SWAYAM Portal-related test was used as a pre-test and post-test. The split-half reliability of the test calculated is found to be (0.855). The magnitude of the difference between the pre-test and post-test scores for handling the SWAYAM portal was estimated to be 2.8601 through Cohen’s d-effect size analysis, which was found to be very large. Thus, it was indicated that the intervention has a significant impact on Internet Handling Skills in using the SWAYAM portal. The students must possess skills in handling the internet for selection and comfortable completion of any online course, especially SWAYAM courses.
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