As a unifying framework for examining several properties that nominally involve eigenvalues, we present a particular structure of the singular values of the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE): the even-location singular values are distributed as the positive eigenvalues of a Gaussian ensemble with chiral unitary symmetry, while the odd-location singular values, conditioned on the even-location ones, can be algebraically transformed into a set of independent χ-distributed random variables. We discuss three applications of this structure: first, there is a pair of bidiagonal square matrices, whose singular values are jointly distributed as the even- and odd-location ones of the GOE; second, the magnitude of the determinant of the GOE is distributed as a product of simple independent random variables; third, on symmetric intervals, the gap probabilities of the GOE can be expressed in terms of the Laguerre unitary ensemble. We work specifically with matrices of finite order, but by passing to a large matrix limit, we also obtain new insight into asymptotic properties such as the central limit theorem of the determinant or the gap probabilities in the bulk-scaling limit. The analysis in this paper avoids much of the technical machinery (e.g. Pfaffians, skew-orthogonal polynomials, martingales, Meijer G-function, etc.) that was previously used to analyze some of the applications.