The article raises the issue of conceptual-semantic analysis of units of different lexical-grammatical classes to indicate rivalry. The referent of objective reality represented by the RIVALRY concept is a certain situation as a set of its interdependent elements. The analysis of the semantic structure of nominative units contributes to the establishment of deep patterns of interaction between the structures of human consciousness and linguistic forms. Nominative possibilities of the linguistic picture of the world are implemented by lexical units that are subject to conceptual analysis to achieve the goal of linguistic-cognitive research - reconstruction of the content of the concept. Dictionary definitions of words of different lexical-grammatical classes to indicate rivalry contain generic and specific semes as lexical units that implement the corresponding cognitive characteristics and are called slot terminals. The frame acts as a classifier of lexical units in which the components of the reference situation of rivalry are actualized. The semantic-cognitive analysis of lexemes that form the primary and secondary synonymous series and most adequately reflect the studied conceptual category precedes the modeling of the prototypical informative structure of the concept of rivalry in terms of frame semantics. Slot ACTION, which captures information about the actions of direct participants, is represented by units of the lexical-grammatical category to indicate the rivalry process. The studied slots reflect knowledge about the causal, instrumental, location and time components of the frame model. The studied slots are correlated with a group of cognitive features that represent knowledge about the characteristics of actions.Thus, the causal set activates data on the reasons for entering into a rival interaction, options for ending it. The instrumental set accumulates information about the nature of the action, tactics, strategic goal; the quantity and quality of the means of action, about the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the goal, its varieties. The location and time of the frame captures knowledge about the type of the place and spheres of action, the duration of the rivalry and the time of its implementation.
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