An ecology is a system of interacting and or competing organisms or entities. Alternatively, it may also describe the study of such interactions or competition. In this paper I loosely consider the system of educationalists searching for content to use in their teaching practice to form such a system. Having returned from a course on ICT for social and group learning delivered by the company Smart Solutions (Vassallo 2010) in Malta, I decided to use what I had learnt to build a number of websites publicising the computer tools I had learned about. In choosing free websites, I was choosing platforms which would be available at no cost to educators, as I was hoping to promote teachers’ active participation in the online community, which had been a theme of the course. Using free internet sites, I built a wiki (Cuffe 2011a), on Wikispaces (Anon 2010b), a blog (Cuffe 2010a) on the site (Anon 2011g), a Google group (Cuffe 2010c) , on Google groups (Anon 2011c), and a Trailmeme (Cuffe 2011c), on the Trailmeme site (Anon 2011e). I also built a second blog (Cuffe 2010b) on Blogger (Anon 2011a) and shot a number of Videos (Cuffe 2010d) which I placed on the You Tube site (Anon 2011i). Finally, I built a Prezi (Cuffe 2010e), which I placed on the Prezi site. Some of the sites I created initially placed highly in Google search however web traffic did not seem to correspond in any clear way to my sites rank in search. This was surprising, however I noted that traffic would peak whenever I mentioned a specific site on an online forum, or on an email chat group, and this peak could be many times larger than the regular level of traffic coming in, presumably, from general search (see Figure 1). The rest of this paper describes what I did to explore this further.