Perceptual multistability, e.g. Binocular Rivalry, has been intensively used as a tool to study visual consciousness. Current methods to assess multistability do not capture all potentially occurring perceptual states, provide no estimate of introspection, and lack continuous, high-temporal resolution to resolve perceptual changes between states and within mixed perceptual states. We introduce InFoRM (Indicate-Follow-Replay-Me), a four-phase method that (1) trains a participant to self-generate estimates of perceptual introspection-maps that are (2) validated during a physical mimic task, (3) gathers perceptual multistability data, and (4) confirms their validity during a physical replay. 28 condition-blinded adults performed InFoRM while experiencing binocular rivalry evoked with orthogonal sinusoidal gratings. A 60 Hz joystick (3600 data samples/minute) was used to indicate continuously changes across six perceptual states within each 1 min trial. A polarized monitor system was used to present the stimuli dichoptically. Three contrast conditions were investigated: low vs low, high vs high, and low vs high. InFoRM replicates standard outcome measures, i.e. alternation rate, mean and relative proportions of perception, and distribution of exclusive percepts that are well fitted with gamma functions. Furthermore, InFoRM generates novel outcomes that deliver new insights in visual cognition via estimates of introspection maps, in ocular dominance via perceptual-state-specific dominance scores, in transitory dynamics between and within perceptual states, via techniques adopted from eye-tracking, and in rivalry-zone-size estimates utilizing InFoRM’s ability to simulate piecemeal perception. The replay phase (physical replay of perceptual rivalry) confirmed good overall agreement (73% ±5 standard deviation). InFoRM can be applied to other multistable paradigms and can be used to study visual consciousness in typical and neuro-atypical populations.