Surface roughness is affected by the tool geometry, feed rate, overcutting by built-up edge, and tool vibration in the depth of the cut direction. However, dividing the roughness value into each component is difficult. Therefore, a new prediction method for the position of the tool contour on the roughness curve is proposed to divide the measured roughness value into components. This proposed method consists of two processes. In one, the roughness curve is divided into the roughness curve formed during each revolution of the work material regardless of the clarity of the feed marks. The other is the process that predicts the vertical position of the tool contour. If the vertical position of the tool contour can be predicted, the vibration and overcutting components of roughness can also be predicted. In this study, the transition of roughness components such as the theoretical roughness, vibration width, and overcutting is studied with the increase in the cutting distance in the turning of chromium molybdenum steel, JIS SCM435. When supplying a 10% emulsion mist, the measured Rz is smaller than that of the dry condition. In both the dry and mist supply conditions, the measured Rz increases from the beginning of cutting then decreases and then increases again with the increase in the cutting distance. The largest component of the total roughness in both the dry and mist supply conditions is the theoretical roughness Rth. The ratio ranges between 50.3% and 78.7%. Regardless of the cutting conditions, the vibration width in the depth of the cut direction is relatively constant. The overcutting slightly increases after the start of cutting, then decreases when the maximum contact length exceeds approximately 0.1 mm. The proposed method verifies the ratio of the surface roughness components and is an effective method for improving the surface roughness.
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