In acute ischemic stroke with large-vessel occlusion (LVO), collateral assessment with single-phase computed tomography angiography (CTA) might underestimate pial collateral supply in aconsiderable proportion of patients. We aimed to compare time-resolved magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based quantitative collateral mapping to conventional collateral imaging with CTA. This retrospective single-center study covering aperiod of 6years (2012-2018) included drip-and-ship LVO patients who underwent MR imaging after initial imaging evaluation with CT. For MRI-based collateral assessment, T2*-weighted time series from perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI) were processed to compute aquantitative collateral vessel index (CVIPWI) based on the magnitude of signal variance across the entire acquisition time. CTA-based collateral scores (Tan and Maas) and CVIPWI were investigated in terms of inter-modality associations between collateral measures, as well as their relationships with stroke severity, infarct volume and early functional outcome. The final analysis included n = 56patients (n = 31female, mean age69.9 ± 14.21 years). No significant relationship was found between MR-based quantitative collateral supply (CVIPWI) and CT-based collateral scores (r = -0.00057, p = 0.502 and r = -0.124, p = 0.797). In contrast to CVIPWI, CTA-based collateral scores showed no significant relationship with clinical stroke severity and infarct volume. While MR-based CVIPWI was independently associated with favorable early functional outcome in multivariate analysis (OR 1.075, 95% CI 1.001-1.153, p = 0.046), CTA-based collateral scores were not significantly associated with outcome. Since collateral scores based on single-phase CTA do not accurately reflect infarct progression and might underestimate pial collateralization in arelevant proportion of patients, they are not associated with early functional outcome in LVO patients. In contrast, CVIPWI represents arobust imaging parameter of collateral supply and is independently associated with functional outcome.
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