Bubbles are well known for being strong nonlinear scatterers in acoustics. This feature is actually used in medical ultrasound, and nonlinear phenomena, such as phase conjugation [1] or second-harmonic generation [2], had been reported in bubbly liquids. We carried out experiments and calculations on a particularly simple bubbly medium: a single layer of bubbles trapped in a yield-stress fluid. We show the existence of an ideal bubble concentration that maximizes the nonlinear second harmonic generation by the layer. It results from the interplay between the nonlinear response and the strong multiple scattering in the system [3]. The same nonlinear mechanism can be used to obtain phase conjugation, with a probe wave at frequency f, and pump wave at 2f. The single layer of bubbles is then a sub-wavelength phase conjugation mirror. We studied its efficiency in terms of direction and magnitude of the reflected wave. [1] D. V. Vlasov et al., Sov. Phys. Acoust. 29 (1983). [2] J. Wu, Z. Zhu, J. Acoust. Soc. Am 89 (6) (1991) [3] O. Lombard et al., EPL, 112 (2015).