We consider the process of forming, which is carried out by means of providing differences, through structure, color, texture and texture. Form is conceived of as a structure of elements and relationships hierarchically divided to establish a cumulative unity. Its three objective categories are mass, texture and color. It will have a fuller and more correct meaning if we understand it as a kind of “active energy”. The form becomes for us “it”-the energy that unites its constituent elements into a single integrity; the form can be considered a “force field” rather than a mere geometric concept. Each element of this form has its own mass, texture, and color, but beyond this, each element influences the other element. The past, present and future are united by their “geometric form” and their energy. And the modularity of form and structure becomes a property in the presence of repeating elements-modules of geometric, constructive or functional expression. It becomes necessary to show the form as a structure composed of elements and connections, both geometric and living. The lines that outline the form as a structure are subject to certain rhythms, and in order to achieve unity, it is necessary to choose in compositional variability, between opposites: weight and lightness, mass and space, light and shadow, etc. A module as a standard element is determined based on the requirements of compositional features. A certain structure and rhythm, modularity and repeatability are inherent ideas for wildlife and architecture. Their common features testify to the need for the principles of forming and they are justified by the essence, the idea of symmetry and symmetry. The fundamental point that determines the newest approach to the idea of dynamism, and its application in shaping, is that it is tangential to geometry, with knowledge of spatial laws, geometric properties of shapes, volumetricity of bodies and configurations, principles, mathematical combinatorics, etc. The categories of composition in church building are expressed by the tectonics and three-dimensional structure of the temple building. The interdependence of structure and form, which embody the harmonious expression of an idea in image, form, and compositional variety, create the process of forming as a unity of form, content, and environment in the formation of a temple building in architectural space and Being.
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