The work functions of the (100) surfaces of tungsten, tungsten with 2% bulk rhenium, and tungsten with 6% bulk rhenium single crystals were measured using the Shelton method. The values of 4.55 V, 4.56 V, and 4.59 V were obtained for the three samples, respectively. The A values for the three samples were 100, 110, 130 A/cm2 °K2, respectively. Electron-beam microprobe results indicated a surface concentration of 0.67% rhenium in the 2% bulk sample and 2% rhenium in the 6% bulk sample. The loss of rhenium from the surface has been attributed to the preferential sublimation during outgassing of the samples. The relative changes in work functions are consistent with the shift in the voltage knees on the ln i vs VR curves. The actual shape of the ln i vs VR curve is discussed.