1. Introduction The urgency of the problem considered is that many large corporations today face the challenge of managing large amounts of data within a single enterprise. Various corporations resolve the issue depending on the level of information support with application solutions designed for specific functional tasks. Use of cluster technologies is the one of the abovementioned applied solutions. The trend towards the introduction of cluster systems in all sectors of economy, science and technology is becoming more and more popular among large businesses. The purpose of this article is to make proposals for improving array management within a single corporation. The objectives of this article are: * to analyze activity of a large enterprise and its existing management system; * to analyze transition to a new technology on example of the enterprise considered, and also to specify the reasons for the use of current tools for application tasks by large corporations. The object of the research is Permenergo OJSC. As a subject of the research we consider the enterprise management process when solving problems of information processes integration, as well as large data processing in real time operation. 2. Materials and Methods When studying and searching for solution of the stated issue we used theoretical research methods, such as analysis, comparison, generalization; empirical research methods: conversation, observation, investigation; scientific methods: comparative method and system analysis. Clusters are currently created in a variety of industrial sectors, and power industry is one of them. A mutually beneficial consolidation of enterprises in the industry within one region can serve as an example. In St. Petersburg, this issue is already being resolved in a positive way. Since 1999, the executive office of Permenergo OJSC and all of its branches decided to transfer as full as possible a software package to a single management CSE system (Capital CSE. Online). CSE involves more than 50 business applications, grouped into 16 application circuits. The structure of the system components may include additional elements, e.g. OleReport table editor. Basic principles of the system applications are listed below: * configuration of the main application elements; * specific dialog boxes; * connection configuration; * application launcher. The software complex CSE (developed by GELICON PRO) is a system of enterprise management designed to provide management processes with material, financial and human resources (Enterprise management system CSE. Online). One of the most important circuits of the complex is a circuit Capital CSE Configuration Tool, designated for execution on tasks related to adaptation of a product basic functionality to specific business processes of a particular enterprise. Functional elements of the circuit are (Kolchanova A. G., Kolchanova P. S. 2014): 1. object-oriented language GOAL, supporting SQL language, transaction management and execution of stored procedures, structural exceptions handling, working with OLE-servers, etc. 2. dialog editor, intended for visual design and programming user interface. 3. problem-oriented library of GBO facilities (GELICON BUSINESS OBJECT). Implementation and operation of CSE on enterprise is intended to ensure (Kolchanova A. G., 2014): * transition to a new management model within the single information space; * effective solution of operational, managerial and accounting tasks; * financial reporting adjustment in accordance with Russian and international standards; * continuous registration and control of enterprise resources and relationships with contractors; * efficient preparation of analytical documents, reports and certificates, outlooks and operating plans of enterprise; * improvement of efficiency and decision-making time; * organization of end-to-end accounting and timely monitoring of key areas of financial and economic activity in real time operation; * qualitative improvement of the efficiency of the whole process of contract activity by systematization of accounting of contracts, addendums and other acts; * access rights differentiation and appointment of responsible employees for specific commitments; * filing; * economic effect by monitoring compliance with the maturity dates; * budget implementation control; * reduction of financial costs in the form of penalties; * increase in operational activities through the creation of a unified database of contracts; * providing relevant information on the contracts status; * electronic means of information search and analysis. …
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