Emitting minimal amount of CO2 during the production of steel is one of the major challenges that can be overcome by producing iron using electrowinning method. The reaction of interest is at the cathode where the direct reduction of Iron oxide (α-Fe2O3) to iron takes place. In this study, we are investigating the electrochemical conversion of hematite (α-Fe2O3) Nanoparticles to iron in an extremely alkaline medium (50 wt% NaOH) using Single Entity Electrochemistry (SEE).Single Entity Electrochemistry is the study of single atom, molecule or particle colliding with the surface of the electrode usually by diffusion or migration. For these experiments, we are developing alkaline stable carbon-fiber (C)/Nickel (Ni) ultra-microelectrode (UME), prepared using multiple pathways such as plasma-focused ion beam.A spike in current transient during chronoamperometry (CA) experiments is observed when a hematite particle collides stochastically with the UME and gets reduced in the process. Each spike is the reduction event of one hematite nanoparticle to iron. Individual reduction events, that last 0.2-0.3 s and resulting in 0.1-0.2 nC of charge being passed were observed at Ni and C microelectrodes, this shows good agreement with the average particle radius of 100 nm. The shape of the current transient was distinct from previously reported transients for metal deposition at cathode1-3. However, A. Allanore, et.al. model was used to support a mechanism for the direct oxide reduction process at nanoscale particles4.The results presented here illustrate the reaction kinetics and the mode of reduction propagation in a single nano-sized hematite particle in alkaline conditions. The kinetics of hematite reduction in alkaline medium is considerably slow as observed from the slope of current spikes in SEE experiments. Furthermore, considering Allanore’s model, the reduction propagation occurs from the outer surface to the inner core.(1) Luo, L.; White, H. S. Electrogeneration of single nanobubbles at sub-50-nm-radius platinum nanodisk electrodes. Langmuir 2013, 29 (35), 11169-11175.(2) Xiao, X.; Fan, F.-R. F.; Zhou, J.; Bard, A. J. Current transients in single nanoparticle collision events. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130 (49), 16669-16677.(3) Bard, A. J.; Zhou, H.; Kwon, S. J. Electrochemistry of single nanoparticles via electrocatalytic amplification. Israel Journal of Chemistry 2010, 50 (3), 267-276.(4) Allanore, A.; Lavelaine, H.; Valentin, G.; Birat, J.; Delcroix, P.; Lapicque, F. Observation and modeling of the reduction of hematite particles to metal in alkaline solution by electrolysis. Electrochimica Acta 2010, 55 (12), 4007-4013.