Self-tolerance is acquired in the embryonic/perinatal period, but new lymphocytes (that will have to distinguish between self and nonself) continue to be produced throughout life, after both self and nonself are present. This makes it impossible for natural tolerance to rely on recessive mechanisms. Recent observations on "dominant tolerance" have led to the hypothesis that natural tolerance is established as a consequence of simple developmental programs for gene expression and cellular composition of primary lymphoid organs. In development, the cellular composition of the thymus is predominantly epithelial, allowing for the positive selection and activation of "high avidity" self-reactive T cells that are not deleted because antigen presentation by haemopoietic cells is limiting. Such T cells, activated in that environment, display effector functions of a regulatory type that are maintained in the periphery upon restimulation by tissue peptides shared with the thymic epithelium. Recent thymic emigrants with specificity for tissue-specific antigens that are absent from the thymus will first encounter their ligands in the context of the "regulatory cell" recognition of ubiquitous peptides and are thus recruited into similar regulatory activities. In contrast, thymic emigrants with specificity for nonself antigens (absent during the perinatal period) are not activated intrathymically, reach the periphery as resting cells, and move out of the time window of susceptibility to functional recruitment. These will react "de novo" upon encounter of the respective antigens and will acquire the class of effector functions determined by the peripheral microenvironment in which they are activated. This strategy, which explains the thymic dependence of peripheral tissue-specific tolerance, may be re-enforced by developmental restrictions in cytokine gene expression, and it will ensure the establishment and maintenance of T-cell tolerance through the dynamic storage of a distributed memory of the embryonic self. B lymphocytes that are produced in the embryonic/perinatal period characteristically rearrange and express a few V-genes very predominantly. These V-genes encode antibodies with unique properties of "connectivity" to other V-regions, making it possible to establish a network that limits clonal expansions and/or terminal differentiation to antibody production. Self-reactive B cells are thus recruited into such a network which, by contributing to the molecular environment of the body and to the selection of emergent repertoires, leads to deletion of connected cells and to the "normalization" of the adult antibody repertoires. Natural autoantibody repertoires in the adult are thus recursively maintained, stable and continuously adjusted to the thresholds of single cell deletion and to the alterations in the body composition. The activity of self-specific regulatory T cells contributes to limiting clonal expansion and inhibiting somatic mutation of self-reactive B cells. This model explains a number of observations that were not included in the "clonal" and "recessive" tolerance views, and offers suggestions on mechanisms in physiological autoimmunity and pathology.
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