Ice sheet simulations suffer from vast parametric uncertainties, such as the basal sliding boundary condition or geothermal heat flux. Quantifying the resulting uncertainties in predictions is of utmost importance to support judicious decision-making, but high-fidelity simulations are too expensive to embed within uncertainty quantification (UQ) computations. UQ methods typically employ Monte Carlo simulation to estimate statistics of interest, which requires hundreds (or more) of ice sheet simulations. Cheaper low-fidelity models are readily available (e.g., approximated physics, coarser meshes), but replacing the high-fidelity model with a lower fidelity surrogate introduces bias, which means that UQ results generated with a low-fidelity model cannot be rigorously trusted. Multifidelity UQ retains the high-fidelity model but expands the estimator to shift computations to low-fidelity models, while still guaranteeing an unbiased estimate. Through this exploitation of multiple models, multifidelity estimators guarantee a target accuracy at reduced computational cost. This paper presents a comprehensive multifidelity UQ framework for ice sheet simulations. We present three multifidelity UQ approaches—Multifidelity Monte Carlo, Multilevel Monte Carlo, and the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator—that enable tractable UQ for continental-scale ice sheet simulations. We demonstrate the techniques on a model of the Greenland ice sheet to estimate the 2015-2050 ice mass loss, verify their estimates through comparison with Monte Carlo simulations, and give a comparative performance analysis. For a target accuracy equivalent to 1 mm sea level rise contribution at 95 % confidence, the multifidelity estimators achieve computational speedups of two orders of magnitude.
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