Women comprise nearly 19% of the U.S. military and now serve in almost all operational roles, increasing their risk of combat trauma and injuries.3 Data from the Joint Trauma Registry during Operation Enduring Freedom shows that battle-injured females had a higher case fatality rate at 36% compared to their male counterparts at 17%.1 The Tactical Combat Casualty Care curriculum is used to prepare battlefield medics to provide immediate care to wounded service members, but fails to address differences in the care of female versus male casualties. The students, who are presented with life-threatening injuries in simulated trauma scenarios, may be slower to assess, identify, and treat injuries in female patients as compared with male patients. This observational program analysis was reviewed by the Uniformed Services University Human Research Protections Program and approved for execution as an exempt protocol under the provision of 32 CFR 219.104(d)(1). The study assessed the performance of male and female Mexican military personnel during a Tactical Combat Casualty Care course, using standardized trauma scenarios. Anatomically, correct male and female manikins were used to compare response time for different gender patients presenting with the same injuries. There was a statistically significant increase in time required to complete an initial blood sweep, identify a gunshot wound to the chest, and call for medical evacuation when treating a female patient compared to a male patient. A lack of female representation in trauma training may have contributed to the higher case fatality rate of female soldiers compared to male soldiers during Operation Enduring Freedom. Female live actors and Gender Retrofit Kits can augment trauma casualty assessment and treatment training scenarios and better prepare our forces to respond to life-threatening emergencies.
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