Growth of human nonadherent HL-60 cell cultures performed in disposable bioreactor under various hydrodynamic conditions of 2-D wave-assisted agitation has been compared and discussed. Influence of Reynolds number for liquid (ReL) and the kLa coefficient, as key parameters characterized the bioprocessing of HL-60 cells in ReadyToProcess WAVETM 25 system, on reached values of the apparent maximal specific growth rate (μmax) and the specific yield of biomass (Y*X/S) has been identified. The values of ReL (i.e., 510–10,208), as well as kLa coefficient (i.e., 2.83–13.55 h−1), have been estimated for the cultures subjected to wave-induced mixing, based on simplified dimensionless correlation for various presents of WAVE 25 system. The highest values of apparent μmax = 0.038 h−1 and Y*X/S = 25.64 × 108 cells gglc−1 have been noted for cultures independently performed at wave-induced agitation characterized by ReL equaled to 5104 and 510, respectively. The presented results have high applicability potential in scale-up of bioprocesses focused on nonadherent animal cells, or in the case of any application of disposable bioreactors presenting similitude.