Price mapping is one of the first generalizations to arise from pure linear programming. A resource map is a dual version of the same type of calculation. The process of calculating a price map has two stages. The first stage is the determination of the normal optimum solution of a linear program by the usual simplex process for linear programming. The complete matrix forming this solution is called the optimum plan. Every one of the constraints in a linear program holds over a given range of values of any one selected variable, and the end points of such a range of values can be calculated quickly. In two dimensions, when two of the constraining variables are allowed to vary, the optimum plan is seen to hold over a given region in a plane, and this region is bounded by linear segments. It is the object of the first stage of a price mapping program to calculate, not only the optimum plan, but also the coefficients which determine these boundary lines of the optimum region, for two selected variables, together with the co-ordinates of their points of intersection. The second stage of a price mapping program consists of a seeking process to determine the boundaries of the regions in which all the next plans hold. These regions surround the optimum region. Later repetitions of this second stage of the program substitute every one of these next plans in turn for the optimum plan, and use these new plans to seek further solutions, which, in their turn, are valid over regions neighbouring those regions already found. In this way a complete price map is built up, showing every possible plan and the region over which it is valid. It can be proved rigorously that this seeking process is a finite one and that it must come to an end sometime. The normal simplex process can be thought of, in economic terms, as that of calculating the maximum profit on a given investment of money and other resources, such as labour, land and materials. The solution consists of a matrix, the optimum plan; the elements of the first column vector in this matrix are the amounts of the various resources required to produce this best possible plan. Such models are very crude, even when the resulting matrix exceeds 100 by 100 in size. As well as the practical difficulties of performing the calculations on such large matrices, there are also difficulties in the actual measurement of the observed coefficients, namely the resources. These models can, at best, provide only a coarse outline picture of this best possible plan. The picture could be made much more detailed if we could measure subjective elements, such as managerial preferences and workers' prejudices in money terms. But this would introduce still more elements into our matrix. Instead, it is often more acceptable to the person who wants the answers, to be given a price map showing the region in which the best possible plan holds, and also all those other regions in which the next plans hold, plans resulting from the relaxation of every one of the boundary restrictions in turn. The outlines of the simplex technique are well known, but little has been written about the computational details of a really efficient price mapping program for a fast electronic computer. It is the object of this paper to fill this gap. Two difficulties were encountered in practice. First it is necessary to design the process of price mapping in such a way that the calculation comes to an end sooner rather than later. Most early programs (see Cran, 1961) were aimed primarily at satisfying this requirement, particularly those designed for small or slow computers. However, it was soon found that most of the methods (see Heady and Candler, 1960) proposed in the standard text books omitted a few of the possible next solutions altogether. Mr. E. Evans, now at Aberystwyth, worked out part of one of these price maps by using a desk calculator, so that the fault in the seeking process, which was then in use, could be traced and corrected. The final outcome was the present program, developed for use on the Cambridge University electronic computer, EDSAC 2. We shall assume in this paper that the first part of the problem, that of collecting the data and of setting it up in a form suitable for the application of a price mapping program, has already been carried out by the economists, and that only the calculations remain to be worked out.
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