Grating based interferometry is a widely established technique used for various applications in X-ray imaging, from materials science [1,2] to medical diagnosis [3,4]. Talbot-Lau-Interferometers are especially promising for laboratory-based setups. By introducing a source grating into the optical setup, requirements on the spatial coherence of the source are reduced significantly [5] and the complementary phase- and dark-field-contrast modalities can be extracted. In this work, we introduce our novel Talint-EDU system, a ready to use Talbot-Lau-Interferometer, for implementation to existing X-ray imaging setups, nearly independent of X-ray source or detector. Its simple setup procedure, compact build and robust design allows for quick setup (within 30 min) and dismantling so that for interesting samples, the two additional modalities of X-ray imaging become easily available. In this contribution we will present the technical characteristics, show first results, and give an outlook on future developments of easily accessible Talbot-Lau-Interferometry.
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