The energy (in the fixed frame of reference) of a cosmic-ray particle with velocity w in the frame of the solar wind fluctuates between 1 2 M(w + v) 2 and 1 2 M(w − v) 2 as the particle random walks in the magnetic field, where v is the wind velocity. This energy change cannot be treated as a simple Markov process, together with the random walk and adiabatic deceleration, in a fixed frame of reference. To describe the particle motion by a Fokker-Planck differential equation, the energy variable must be the particle energy in a frame of reference moving with the wind. The appropriate transformations of both the solutions and boundary conditions are presented to order v / w . The corrections due to this effect are ∼10% for 1 MeV particles and correspondingly less for higher energy particles. The energy balance between the solar wind and cosmic rays is examined and is shown to depend in a fundamental manner on these energy transformations. Although the solar wind does net work on the cosmic-ray gas, no particle gains more than 2 Mvw kinetic energy and the few particles which penetrate deeply into the solar system suffer a net energy loss because of adiabatic deceleration. Энepгия (B cTaциoнapнoй cиcTeMe кoopдинaT B пpocTpaнcTBe) чacTицы кocMичecкич лyчeй, co cкopocTью w W B cиcTeMe coлнeчнoгo BeTpa, кoлeблeTcя Meждy 1 2 m(w + v) 2 и 1 2 m(w − v) 2 , B To BpeMя кaк чacTицa бpoдиT B MaпниTнoM пoлe, V яBляeTcя cкopocTью BeTpa. Taкyю пepeMeиy эиepгии нe cлeдyeT paccMaTpиBaTь кaк oбыкиoBeииый пpoцecc MapкoBa, BMecTe c бpoжeниeM и aдиaбaTныM зaMeдлeниeM cкopocTи, B cTaциoнapнoй иcTeMe кoopдинaT B пpocTpaнcTBe. чToбы oпиcaTь дBижeниe чacTицы пpи пoMoщи диффepeнциaльнoгo ypaBнeния qFoккepПлaикa, нeoбчoдиMo, чToбы пepeMeннaя энepгии яBянлacь чacTицeй энepгии B пpoдBигaющeйcя BMecTe c BeTpoM cиcTeMe кoopдинaT B пpocTpaнcTBe. BыcTaBляюTcя copaзMepныe пpeBpaщeния кaк peщeний, Taк и гpaничиычycлoBий, cooTBeTcTBeннo пopядкy v / w . ПpoиcTeкaющиe oT эToгo эффeкTa пoпpaBки cocTaBляюT ~10% для чacTиц B 1. Mev и cooTBeTcTBeнныM oбpaзoM Meньщe для чacTиц бoлee Bыcoкoй энepгии. ЙccлeдyeTcя paBнoBecиe зиepгии Meждy coлнeчиыM BeTpoM и кocMичecкиMи лyчaMи, кoTopoe, пoBидиMoMy, элeMeнTapныM oбpaзoM зaBиcиT oT эTич пpeoбpaзoBaний зиepгии. ЧoTя coлиeчный BeTep нe oпepиpyeT нa гaзe кocMичecкич лyчeй, ни oднa чacTицa нe ycилиBaeTcя нa бoлee чeM 2 mvw кинeTичecкoй энepгии и Te нemиoгиe чacTицы, кoTopыe глyбoкo нpoникaюT B coлнeчнyю cиcTey иoдBepгa. oTcн чиcToй иoTepe зиepгии из-зa aдиaбaTнoгo зaMeдлeния cкopocTи.