Similarity-based retrieval of images is an important task in image databases. Most of the user's queries are on retrieving those database images that are spatially similar to a query image. In defence strategies, one wants to know a number of armoured vehicles, such as battle tanks, portable missile launching vehicles, etc. moving towards it, so that one can decide counter strategy. Content-based spatial similarity retrieval of images can be used to locate spatial relationship of various objects in a specific area from the aerial photographs and to retrieve images similar to the query image from image database. A content-based image retrieval system that efficiently and effectively retrieves information from a defence image database along with the architecture for retrieving images by spatial similarity is presented. A robust algorithm SIMdef for retrieval by spatial similarity is proposed that utilises both directional and topological relations for computing similarity between images, retrieves similar images and recognises images even after they undergo modelling transformations (translation, scale and rotation). A case study for some of the common objects, used in defence applications using SIMdef algorithm, has been done.
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