The extension of the operating frequency of Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL) into the 20−50 μm regime is a desirable goal as it would bridge the gap between mid-infrared and THz devices. Coherent light emitters in this spectral range are also needed for spectroscopy and radio astronomy applications. Since little attention has been devoted to the subject in the past, we investigate the dominant loss mechanisms of QCLs in this spectral range. We report on an InGaAs/InAlAs QCL in an InP dielectric waveguide emitting at 23 μm wavelength whose electroluminescence spectrum shows an anomalous low-frequency cut which prevents laser action at low electric field. We also observe similar line shape in other GaAs/AlGaAs devices. The spectral features are analyzed and explained in terms of refractive index anomalies induced by phonon resonances.
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