To the rather complicated subject of the measurement of tissue doses of ionizing radiations, the surface dose adds its own problems. This present summary will touch upon the theory of dose determinations, give the methods and results of some measurements, and indicate a few of their practical applications. Calculations will be made of the energy absorbed for beams of x-radiation produced at a number of different kilovoltages and for elements of higher atomic number in the skin. The specific ionization will also be estimated for the 100 kilovolt to 1 million volt range, to see if these factors show any correlation with threshold erythema dose. There are important difficulties in obtaining a measure of some physical quantity which will give an indication of the biological, effect to be expected when the superficial tissues of the body are receiving radiation. If x-rays or gamma rays are to be measured in roentgens at a given point, then the associated corpuscular emission produced by the radiation at that point should be made to expend all its energy in the production of ionization in a known air volume. The secondary electrons set in motion by the original radiation travel distances in air which are much longer than the dimensions of the usual ionization chamber. Therefore, most of those electrons produced in the chamber volume have left it before using up all their energy in the formation of ion pairs. If, however, enough air or material of similar atomic number surrounds the measuring air volume, and if the flux of primary radiation is constant, then as many electrons will be produced to enter that volume as are leaving it. If the surrounding substance is thicker than the minimum necessary, there will not be an over-supply of electrons, as those coming from a thickness of material greater then their range will be absorbed within that material. In treating patients at high energies, where the secondary particles travel greater distances, this electronic equilibrium becomes impossible of exact achievement. Some secondary electrons produced by the 22-mev betatron, for instance, will travel a distance in tissue of the order of centimeters. When such a thickness of material is in front of the air cavity, there will be a change in flux of primary radiation due to the inverse-square law and to absorption within the material itself. Thus the best that can usually be done is to employ an “equilibrium wall thickness,” which will produce the maximum ionization (1). This should also be air wall, that is, it should have the same effective atomic number as air at the wave length of the radiation being used. If a sufficiently thick air wall chamber is being used, the question next arises as to the exact position at which the measurement is valid. At high energies most of the electrons causing ionization in the air volume have been produced some distance in front of it.