One of the present authors, S. Nagai, studied already on various mixed Portland cements and reported them (Journ. of Soc. Chem. Ind., Japan, 1929, 32, 343, 629, 838, 971, 1171; 1930, 33, 279, 601; 1931, 34, 461). The studies were further continued by the present authors and some results were preliminary reported in the present paper. The brief summany from the original Japanese report is abstracted as follows:(1) The natural siliceous raw material “Hakusan Kasanbai or Yokeihakudo” of tuff origin was mixed with clinker in various proportions and ground with gypsum by a laboratory ball mill.(2) The chemical composition of raw materials and the prepared Portland cement and mixed Portland cements are compared in the following table.(3) These cements have the following physical properties of specific gravity, fineness, voids, etc., which are shown with the mixing proportions of their raw materials in the following table.(4) The samples were tested on their strength of 1:3-cement-sand mortars by the method described in the specification of Japanese Engineering Standards for Portland cement and blast furnace cement (JES 28 and 29), and the following results were obtained.(5) The cement samples were also tested on the compressive strength of plastic mortar by the special small cylindrical test piece, which was proposed by the present author (S. Nagai: “Studies on cements by the plastic mortar of small cylindrical test piece”, Journ. Soc. Chem. Ind., Japan, 1929, 32, 635, 641; 1930, 33, 129, 290) and obtained the following results.These results by the plastic or wet mortars of high water cement ratio are better to discuss on the mixed Portland cements than those by the dry mortars adopted in specifications of all countries. The principles of this plastic mortar tests are nearly equal to those proposed by Prof. Ros: “Die zukuenftigen schweizerischen Normen fuer Bindemittel auf Grundlage von Untersuchungsergebnissen der E. M. P. A. der E dg. Tech. Hochschuele in Zuerich, Diskussionsberichte Nr, 1, Nr. 10 & Nr. 60” and Dr. G. Haegermann: “Die Pruefung plastischer Moertel”, Protokoll des Vereins Deutscher Portlandzement-Fabrikanten, Sept. 1929 and “Die Zementpruefung bei Anwendung von Moertel mit hochem Zementzusatz”, Reports of the New International Association for Testing Materials, 1931.These studies are now further being continued and will be reported hereafter.