OZET Bu cahsmada Septomixin forte ve Cresophene, spesifik ve nonspesifik ilaclarin enfekte kanallarda mikroorganizmalar uzerinde etkileri arastirilmistir. Yaslari 4-5 arasinda 83 hastanin toplam olarak 110 disinden 55'ine septomixin ve 55'ine cresophene uygulanmistir. Butun dislerden 2 materyal alinmistir ve mikrobiyolojik inceleme yapilmistir. Kanallarda kullanilan butun aletleru ve paper pointier 3 saat 170° C de sterilize edilmistir. Butun materyallerden aerob ve anaerob kosullarda kultur yapildi. Enfekte kok kanallarindan alinan ve gram metodu ile boyanan preparatlarda en sik izole edilen mikroorganizmalar ise hemolitik streptococcus ve staphilococcus. Bu ilaclarin uygulandigi vakalarda ozellikle 1. ve 2. gunden sonra agrilarin yok oldugu gorulmustur. Fistul agzi ve akinti gorulen hastalarda cresophene uygulandiginda 4. pansumandan sonra akintinin kesildigi goruldu. Ozellikle kronik apikal periodontitis. Hastalarda her 3 ayda bir radyolojik ve klinik kontrol yapilmistir. Silikat dolgularin nekrozlara sebebiyet verdigi gorulmustur. Kanal tedavisi uygulanan 110 disten yalniz 2 dis 7 ay ve 11 ay sonra cekildi (Basarisiz). Cresophene'in Septomixin'e gore mikroorganizmalar uzerine daha etkili oldugu saptandi. Yuzde oranlari ise, Septomixin forte % 72,72, Cresophene ise % 96,36 oldugu saptanmistir. SUMMARY In this research, the bacteriocidal effects of Septomixin fort, Cresophene and other specific and non specific drugs in root canals have been investigated. Septomixin fort and Cresophene were applied to 110 teeth of from four to fifty years old 83 patients. Cresophene were applied to 55 teeth and other 55 teeth were treated with Septomixin Fort. Two materials were collected from all teeth and all cultures have been prepared in aerob and anaerob mediums. The instruments and paper point used in root canals were sterilized for three hours in 170 C. Microorganisms isolated from infected root canals were stained with gram methods and a hemolitic streptococcus and staphilococcus strains were mostly found. After applications of these drugs, no pain has been observed in a couple of days. In specially chronic apical periodontitis, a fistula develops, after 4 dressing with Cresophene drainage from the fistula is seen to stop. All patiens were recalled for radiological and clinical controls in every three months. It was determined that silicate fillings were the causes of pulp necrosis. Only two teeth have been extracted in seventh and eleventh months after the applications because of failure. When the results were compared it was found that Cresophene is more effective than Septomixin fort on microorganisms. Susceptibilities of microorganisms to Septomixin fort and Cresophene were % 72,72 and % 96,36.
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