The large discontinuity of the vapor pressure isotope effect (VPIE) observed near the triple point is discussed with the application of Bigeleisen's theory of equilibrium isotope effects in condensed phases to Eyring's significant structure theory of liquids. The partition function ratios are calculated for monatomic, diatomic, and polyatomic systems, and they are in good agreement with the experimental values. The simple molar volume change (Vs/Vl) is found to be adequate to explain the change in the vapor pressure ratios of 36Ar/40Ar, 20Ne/22Ne, 12C16O/13C16O, 12C16O/12C18O, and 12CH4/13CH4 systems, especially near the melting region. When the structural change at the melting point of ice is also taken into account, the VPIE is satisfactorily explained in the H2O/D2O system. The ``crossover'' phenomenon observed in systems like the isotopic methanes can be explained when the difference in the rotational contribution to the ratio of the reduced partition function ratios between the liquid and solid states is also taken into account. For isotopic hydrogen with large quantum effects, the isotope effect on the molar volume ratio must be included.