Due to the increasing demand for decimal calculations in the business, financial and economic world, decimal arithmetic circuits have been much considered by system designers. This is mainly because, these applications heavily depend on decimal arithmetic since the results must match exactly those obtained by human calculations. While decimal multiplication is one of the most frequent and complex-to-implement decimal operations, the special case of constant decimal multiplication is widely used in the economic and financial applications. In this paper, we propose two ideas, named “Constant Decimal TCSD” (CDT) and “Constant Decimal DDDS” (CDD), and their hardware implementations for realizing multiple constant decimal multiplication. In the CDT and CDD architectures, the partial products are generated using a set of positive multiplicand multiples coded in2′s complement signed-digit format (TCSD) and binary coded decimal (BCD), respectively. We also present two new (3:1) compressors to reduce the number of partial products in both designs, one based on a new Double Decimal Digit Set (DDDS), which is not only self-complementing but also its redundancy, allows carry-free addition. Finally, a redundant to non-redundant converter recodes the TCSD and DDDS product to BCD in the first and second schemes, respectively. Hardware synthesis evaluation shows that compared to the most recent 16 × 16 decimal multipliers, delay, area, power consumption and PDP of the proposed multiple constant multipliers improve up to 57%, 89%, 93% and 97%, respectively.
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