This project aims to developing an optimized and energy-efficient VLSI design for FIR filters specifically designed for seismic signal processing. The process begins by converting seismic signal dataset values into binary format, and then, simulating them in MATLAB, and generating a coefficient file. This coefficient file is then analyzed using Verilog HDL code and simulated in the Xilinx Vivado 2022.2 tool to assess key parameters such as area, delay, and power. The suggested architecture lessens the complexity of computing, hardware efficiency compared to traditional FIR filters that utilize the CSE technique. This design employs a critical method known as the CSD-based Matrix-Grouped Common Subexpression Elimination (MCSE) algorithm, which significantly reduces the quantity of logic operators (LOs) and logic depths (LDs). Additionally, the design incorporates a Half-Unit Biased (HUB) rounding technique to minimize the truncation errors and cut-set retiming method to reduce the critical-path delay (CPD). This hardware-efficient FIR filter constructs integrates the CSD-based MCSE algorithm, HUB rounding, and cut-set retiming techniques to offer a reconfigurable FIR filter configuration optimized for hardware efficiency, thereby enhancing the real-time alert seismic signal processing. The implementation of an Artix-7 FPGA board including clock gating techniques to further reduces the power consumption.
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