This article takes as a case study coffee grown by micro and small producers at altitudes below 1000 m a.s.l., in this scenario there is a problem during the fermentation stage. Artisanal fermentation is uncertain and does not achieve repeatability of results, therefore, the quality of the coffee cannot be guaranteed. The objective of the present work is to contribute to the solution of this problem by using technology and the implementation of processes that lead to the consistency of the results during fermentation. The technology will be used to register and control fermentation parameters such as temperature, pressure, among others. The processes will control activities such as cherry selection, product and components handling during the fermentation stage. The proposed solution will be implemented in the XaTiwan organization, a small coffee producer in the Sierra Norte of the State of Puebla. This article includes the early phases of the development cycle of a cloud-based software system to automate the fermentation process with which it seeks to achieve repeatability of results at this stage. This will contribute to control the quality of coffee grown in low altitude areas.