In this article, we investigated a sample of 773 hedge funds to test performance persistence in different time periods. We bootstrapped on the average monthly returns over successive years over the whole period starting from 01/01/1990 to 01/01/2003. The estimated and simulated return was computed by sampling without replacement. The test is performed 210 times over the actual data through estimated and simulated data. All style categories with a total number of 736 hedge funds showed short-term performance persistence and mean reverting tendency. Specifically, conservative diversified, market defensive, multi-strategy, strategic, arbitrage, long/short equity, market neutral and trading strategies showed non-stationary status. The ADF t- statistics for each category was less than the critical value with 1% significance level. There is no evidence of performance persistence over the successive years among estimated and simulated average returns of winners and losers computed through the bootstrap test of 210 iterations. The test shows that persistence could not be explained by long term mean reversion process through replication without replacement.