This paper presents an analysis of models for Japanese short-term inter- est rate. The models are constructed based on mean reverting model using Bayesian method to capture the dynamics of short-term interest rate. The parameters of our models are estimated by marginal likelihood and posterior expectation and we shall make model selection using the information criterion EIC(extended information cri- terion). An application of the models will be implemented using weekly Japanese average interest rates on certificates of deposit (new issues) less than 30 days in the period from January 2001 to December 2008. 1 Introduction Correct modeling of the short-term interest rate is essential in finace, as it is this rate that is fundamental to the pricing of securities and important for risk man- agement. In the study of the short-term interest rate dynamics, various models have been suggested. There are examples of these models, such as Vasicek model by Vasicek(1977), CIR model by Cox, Ingersoll and Ross(1985) and so on. An empirical comparison of these models was made by Chan, Karolyi, Longstaff and Sanders(1992). In the paper, the param- eters are estimated by generalized method of moments(GMM) and they implemented the hypothesis testing methods developed by Newey and West for evaluation of the models. In the parameter estimation of mean reverting model using GMM, it is known that the results are easy to be influenced by an initial values, and it becomes often unstable. Recently, Ahangarani(2005) employed maximum likelihood method for parameter esti- mation and log likelihood ratio test for model selection, and Kawada(2007) implemented GMM and made model selection using the information criterion EIC(extended information criterion) for various short-term interest rate models. Another articles of the interest rate model, using Bayesian framework, Jones(2003) published study about nonlinear drift of the interest rate model in detail, and Gray(2005) studied continuous time short rate models and the parameters estimated by Markov chain Monte Carlo(MCMC) method. Sanford and Martin(2006) made estimation using MCMC algorithm and model selection is made by Bayes factors for each model calculated using Savage-Dickey density ratio. In addition, a recent study by Hong and Lin(2006) examined a variety of short-term interest rate mod- els including the single-factor diffusion models, GARCH models, Markov regime-switching models and jump-diffusion models for Chinese rates. However, more useful models which capture the dynamics of the short-term interest rate are needed. In this paper, we suggest two hierarchical Bayes models based on mean reverting model. The parameters of the models are treated as random variables so that we have to consider appropriate prior distributions for them. By regarding parameters as random variables, we can consider that model construction and estimation involve necessarily some uncertainty and utilize the prior information of interest rate. In the first hierarchical Bayes model, we assume that volatility is constant, and in the second one, it depends on the
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