Fire is one of the greatest potential risks to loss of stored terrestrial C (Kashian et al., 2006; van der Werf et al., 2006; Wiedinmyer and Neff, 2007) and is a loss pathway that is difficult to quantify because of the high degree of spatial and temporal variation in fire emissions (Wiedinmyer and Neff, 2007). Pulsed emissions of CO2 during fires are assumed to be partly counterbalanced via the uptake of CO2 by regrowing vegetation in the decades following fire (Wiedinmyer and Neff, 2007). In forests of the Iberian Peninsula, where wildfire is a major and frequent perturbation, the post-fire recovery rate may be important in regional scale carbon storage because carbon lost in stand-replacing fires is often a significant component of regional carbon budgets (Kashian et al., 2006; Wiedinmyer and Neff, 2007). Short-term effects of fire will be important for the carbon balance in this century because the expected higher fire frequency (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, 2005; Vega et al., 2009) will release large amounts of carbon through combustion, and increase the forested area with negative net ecosystem production (Litton et al., 2004; Kashian et al., 2006; van der Werf et al., 2006; Wiedinmyer and Neff, 2007). Moreover, depending on the forest type, the area burned by a stand-replacing fire may not recover its pre-fire C stock for decades (Wirth et al., 2002). In postfire regenerated stands, thinning and shrub removal may have a significant impact on the magnitude of net carbon fluxes, with conversion of the ecosystem from a sink to a source of CO2 in the short term (Misson et al., 2005; Hurteau et al., 2008; Hurteau and North, 2009). In this context, it is important to quantify the effects of thinning of heavily stocked fire-origin stands on carbon accumulation in trees. Available information on this topic is still Is pre-commercial thinning compatible with carbon sequestration? A case study in a maritime pine stand in northwestern Spain