Rapid technological advancement often receives a mix of criticism and welcome implementation. Fishing technologies, such as sonar, are believed to enable anglers to be more efficient and effective in their angling. There are concerns from anglers and managers of increased catch by technology users. We assessed the relationships between technology use—defined as the use of imaging technology such as sonar and underwater cameras—and catch, angler expectations of catch, and trip satisfaction using a dual intercept creel survey. Angling technologies were used by 80% and 79% of intercepted boat and ice anglers, respectively, but only 3.9% of shore anglers. Fishing technologies increased expected catch for game fish anglers, but not panfish anglers, and had no effect on actual catch for either group. Most anglers caught fewer fish than expected, and technology did not improve their ability to meet expectations. Technology use was associated with decreased overall satisfaction among panfish and game fish anglers. These results suggest that concerns about fishing technology increasing catch may not be warranted. Rather, technology use may affect angler expectations and negatively impact angler satisfaction, potentially influencing angler behavior.