FOCUS □ ORGANISING ANDSUPPLYCHAINS Unite meat workers: organising for justice I workplace through identified was in The poultry stewards the casualisation agency the spectre increased key meat growing by leaders sector issue work shop and and of identified byshop stewards and workplace leaders inthe meat and poultry sector was the growing spectre of casualisation throughincreased agency work SHARON GRAHAM, Director of Organising, Unite. The mately poultry workforce 40,000 processing workers, ofthe sector UK the and stands majority Irish at meat of approxiwhom and poultry processing sectorstandsat approximately 40,000workers, themajority ofwhom areincreasingly basedatworksites ownedbyglobal multinational companies.In 2005,tradeunion membership inthesector stoodatapproximately 7,500consisting largely ofworkers intraditionallyunionised siteswithin thepoultry supply chain. Tradeunionorganisation outsideoftwoorthree companieswas limited, shopsteward and thereforebargaining co-ordination and strategy nonexistent . Theterms andconditions offered toworkersbypractically every major company were-and remain- comparatively poor and permanent employment was beingconsciouslyeroded by employers feeding-off EUaccessiontoincreasinglycasualisetheworkforce . Operating in western liberaldemocracies that are increasingly defined byliberalised freemarketcapitalism , trade unionsintheUKandIreland have struggled foroverthirty yearsto adaptto and confront a radically changedenvironment. The institutional poweroftradeunionshasbeen weakenedthrough neo-liberal entrenchment of flexible labourmarkets and therejection ofproduction capitalinfavour offinancial capital. This, coupledwith continued commodification through theprivatisation ofpublicand socialgoods,has ledtothetradeunionmovement beingforced to facea setofissuesandproblems that arevery different to thosefacedin theimmediate post-war period.One keyoutcomehasbeenthelongterm declineofboththescope and quality ofcollective bargaining. Thishasledtoa trade unionmovement with a broadly defensive outlook bothindustrially and politically. The meat and poultry sector inthe UKand Ireland Themeatandpoultry processing sector intheUK and Irelandreflected thechangedenvironment within whichtradeunionsremain forced to act. Wherecollective bargaining hadbeen previously establisheditwas increasingly localisedwithin rapidly globalising companies. This,together with thegrowth innon-union workplaces andcompanies ,presented a notuncommon challenge. Themeat andpoultry processing sector displayed characteristics ofearly21stcentury tradeunion presencein theprivate sector.Traditional trade unionpresence waserodedthrough declining bargainingpowercaused bytheformation ofnew entities devoidoftradeunionheritage. Thischaoticpicture ofdeclining collective bargainingcoverage ,whilstnot unusual, should demand a strategic response. Theprimary roleand representative force ofthetrade unionmovement istobe found attheplaceofworkandinitsabilityto facilitate theredistribution ofmeaningful powerto workers, we are left withseveralconclusions . 1.Theerosionofcollective bargaining isa critical issuethat needstobe addressed as without itwe arebereft ofa keytoolthat brings therelevance ofsolidarity toworkers. 2.Theaspiration tobuildmeaningful class powerrequires emphasis on thequality and scope ofcollective bargaining notjustthe level' ofbargaining coverage. 3.Without therepresentative force ofmajority bargaining thepolitical powerofthetrade unionmovement is critically undermined. A keyprinciple of 'forward' organising is the beliefthat tradeunionsaretheprimary andcriticalinstitutional actors through which workers can acquirejusticewithregard to wealthand power within a globalised capitalist economy. Ifthecause oftrade unionsistransformative change, then itis clearthat a strategy basedas a minimum oncomprehensive reform is a pre-requisite tothedeliveryofcoreobjectives . Challenge the market,buildthe movement Inthemeatandpoultry processing sector, theuse ofcoreforward organising principles informed a strategy consistent withourviewofwhatunions arefor: ■ Thedelivery ofsector-wide organising designedtogrowthecoverageofbargaining andtherefore thepowerofworkers. ■ Therebuilding ofourshopstewards movement, first locally, thenbycompany, followed bythenational sector andfinally globally. Theinitiation ofshopsteward coordination andthedémocratisation ofunion decision-making through industrial 'combines'. The development ofa comprehensive forward organising strategy within themeatand poultry processing sector was basedon ourviewofwhat trade unionsarefor andcritical organising principles .Inpractical terms this required a strategy that delivered theopportunity for theformation ofmeaningful poweratwork. Within theterms offorward organising itisassumedthat thedelivery ofmeaningful changewithin a neo-liberal capitalist economymakesconflict inevitable. Risingto a globál challenge maximising power throughproductmarkets Attheoutset themeat andpoultry strategy required certain coreconsiderations: INTERNATIONAL union rights Page 6Volume 18Issue 3201 1 FOCUS □ ORGANISING ANDSUPPLYCHAINS ■ Whattactical approachis neededtodevelop genuine bargaining power? ■ Whattotarget andwho? Asingleorganising 'campaign' isinsufficient to developpower.To be effective thetradeunion movement must looktofacilitate globalsolutions - cross-border productsupplychainstrategies thatchallengethepowerofdominant corporate interests. AtUnite, we target employers thatconstitute a minimum of75percent ofa domestic sector simultaneously for thepurpose oforganising. Wedothis tomaximise theability ofworkers toincrease their powerandtherefore realiserealchangeatwork. Ourobjective is alwaystocreateglobalorganisationthroughout a sector butourability toensure delivery remains localised.In themeatand poultry sector we targeted accordingly andimplemented theprinciple ofdevelopment ofa strong shop steward movement through theidentification of leadersand issuesto buildtradeunionpresence andpower.From a base of7,000themembership hasincreased toapproximately 25,000 andthenumberofaccredited Unite shopstewards hasquadrupled .Critically, collective bargaining coverage has dramatically increased withagreements covering all majoremployers in thesectorand spanning approximately 75 percent of the workforce employed byleadingmultinationals. The keyto delivery has been thesuccessfulpursuit ofthe motive offorward organising - meaningful change atwork. Byseeking changethrough challenge on issuescritical toworkers we buildtherelevance of coretrade unionconcepts - solidarity andjustice. The importanceof a productsupply chain approach isnotjustoftheoretical significance. The identification ofsharedissuesthatcrossdifferent workplaces, occupational groupsand employers requires a sector wideapproach todeliver change. The keyissue identified by shop stewardsand workplace leadersinthemeatandpoultry sector was thegrowing...
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