Our continuous experience is spontaneously segmented by the brain into discrete events. However, the beginning of a new event (an event boundary) is not always sharply identifiable: Phenomenologically, event boundaries vary in salience. How are the response profiles of cortical areas at event boundaries modulated by boundary strength during complex, naturalistic movie-viewing? Do cortical responses scale in a graded manner with boundary strength, or do they merely detect boundaries in a binary fashion? We measured "cortical boundary shifts" as transient changes in multivoxel patterns at event boundaries with different strengths (weak, moderate, and strong), determined by across-participant agreement. Cortical regions with different processing timescales were examined. In auditory areas, which have short timescales, cortical boundary shifts exhibited a clearly graded profile in both group-level and individual-level analyses. In cortical areas with long timescales, including the default mode network, boundary strength modulated pattern shift magnitude at the individual participant level. We also observed a positive relationship between boundary strength and the extent of temporal alignment of boundary shifts across different levels of the cortical hierarchy. In addition, hippocampal activity was highest at event boundaries for which cortical boundary shifts were most aligned across hierarchical levels. Overall, we found that event boundary strength modulated cortical pattern shifts strongly in sensory areas and more weakly in higher-level areas and that stronger boundaries were associated with greater alignment of these shifts across the cortical hierarchy.