This research aims to analyze the Islamic legal thought of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah concerning Islamic economics in Indonesia. The research is based on fatwa documents from the Institute for Discussion of Religious Issues (LBM) of NU and the Council of Religious Verdicts (MT) of Muhammadiyah during the period from 2000 to 2019. This study found that NU's method of ijtihad has shifted from a textual-conservative (qawli) approach to a contextual-progressive and methodological (manhaji) approach. Meanwhile, Muhammadiyah's method of ijtihad is characterized as progressive-dynamic, employing three approaches: bayani, tahlili, and istislahi. The decisions of LBM NU in Islamic economics predominantly use the qawli method, followed by the ilhaqi method, and subsequently the manhaji method. The qawli method is most frequently used because it adheres to the procedural stages of NU's traditionalist pattern, where every legal issue is ideally referenced to authoritative madhhab books (al-kutub al-mu‘tabarah). If the issue cannot be resolved using the qawli method, the ilhaqi and manhaji methods are then employed. This indicates that the manhaji method is used when the qawli and ilhaqi methods are insufficient to provide a legal answer. On the other hand, Muhammadiyah's MT method in Islamic economics has evolved. Initially, the tarjih methodology was monodisciplinary, referring issues back to the Quran and the Sunnah. Subsequently, the tarjih methodology became monodisciplinary-pratextual by employing various methods such as qiyas. Eventually, the tarjih methodology became multidisciplinary in terms of methods, approaches, and techniques. Keywords: thought; Islamic Economic Law; LBM NU; MT Muhammadiyah Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemikiran hukum Islam Nahdlatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah tentang ekonomi Islam Indonesia. Penelitian ini bersumber dari dokumen fatwa-fatwa Lembaga Bahtsul Masail (LBM) NU dan Mejelis Tarjih (MT) Muhammadiyah selama periode 2000-2019. Studi ini menemukan bahwa metode ijtihad NU mengalami pergeseran yang awalnya bersifat tekstual-konservatif (qawli) berubah menjadi kontekstual-progresif dan metodologis (manhaji). Sementara itu, metode ijtihad MT Muhammadiyah bersifat progresif-dinamis dengan tiga pendekatan; bayani, tahlili dan istislahi. Keputusan LBM NU dalam ekonomi Islam lebih banyak menggunakan metode qawli, disusul oleh metode ilhaqi, dan selanjutnya metode manhaji. Metode qawli paling sering digunakan karena mengacu pada tahapan prosedur pola bermazhab NU, dimana setiap persoalan hukum sedapat mungkin merujuk pada kitab-kitab otoritatif mazhab (al-kutub al-mu‘tabarah). Jika tidak dapat diselesaikan dengan metode qawli, maka digunakan metode ilhaq dan metode manhaji. Ini artinya, metode manhaji digunakan dalam kondisi metode qawli dan ilhaq sudah tidak mampu memberikan jawaban hukum. Di sisi lain, metode MT Muhammadiyah dalam ekonomi Islam mengalami evolusi. Pada awalnya, manhaj tarjih bersifat monodisiplin dengan mengembalikan persoalan-persoalan umat kepada al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Kemudian pada manhaj tarjih bersifat monodisiplin-pratekstual dengan menggunakan sejumlah metode seperti: qiyas. Kemudian, manhaj tarjih menjadi multidisiplin baik dari aspek metode, pendekatan, dan teknik. Kata Kunci: pemikiran; Hukum Ekonomi Islam; LBM NU; MT Muhammadiyah
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