The article describes stratiform lead-zinc and polymetallic deposits in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the southwestern Tien Shan of the Chatkal-Qurama Mountains using rhythmostratigraphic analysis developed by professor at Tashkent State University V. I. Popov (Popov et al., 1963; Popov, 1980). Tectonic movements play a major role in the formation of new structural elements of the lithosphere and the earth's surface. Large tectonic movements spread over large areas and become regional tectonic rhythms. Considerable phases of tectonic movements were divided into smaller phases. We observed the change in formational composition: the boundary and beginning of the rhythm series were dominated by clastic facies of mobile shallow water (surf-clastic), closer to the beltv — quiet-water or stagnant (Popov et al., 1963; Popov, 1980). We stadied the northwestern slopes of the Qurama ridge in the upper reaches of the Karakiya River. Lithological-facies sections and maps of actual materials were made in the study areas. Early Silurian sediments of the were formed in the conditions of a quiet-water (central-sedimentary) shallow-water basin, zones under the influence of bottom currents (bottom current) and deltaic (underwater deltaic) facies belt; Devonian-Lower Carboniferous sediments were accumulated in wave surf zone, bay (shallow-flood belt) and underwater delta (underwater delta belt). Three ore-bearing units with high contents of gold, copper, lead, zinc and a number of other metals were identified in the Lower Silurian terrigenous formations. Black dolomites of the stagnant zone of a shallow-water bay (shallow-bay facies) with high contents of lead were identified in the Devonian sedimentary formations. The confinement of increased concentrations of polymetals to certain layers and units of sedimentary dolomite rocks enriched in organic matter indicates that the accumulation of dispersed ore matter is syngenetic to the sedimentation process.
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