In recent years at tempts have been made to develop methods of design for redundant structures of ductile material which are based upon the calculation of the load a t which a structure actually collapses as a result of excessive plastic deformation. Such methods of plastic or limit design may be used when it is known in advance tha t all the loads on the structure will be applied simultaneously. However, when a structure is subjected to several loads, each of which may vary independently of the other, a different type of failure must be considered. As the loads vary, a cycle of plastic deformations may be established, even though no possible combination of the loads could cause collapse. In this case, failure would occur either (1) by the fracture of some member in which plastic deformations occurred alternately in one sense and then in the other or (2) by the development of excessive plastic deformation as a result of a finite increase in the amount of plastic deformation occurring during each cycle of loading. I t is therefore necessary to ensure that , as the loads vary, the structure attains a state of residual stress such that no further plastic flow can occur, no matter how often and in what order the loads are repeated. When this occurs, the structure is said to have shaken down. Recent theoretical work on the problems of plastic collapse and shakedown has been restricted to the case of trusses and framed structures whose members exhibit the ideal-plastic type of stressstrain relation. In the present paper, some theorems concerning collapse and shakedown are established for trusses and framed structures whose members possess a strain-hardening type of characteristic. The most interesting cases, covered by the theorems, are those in which the strain hardening is limited, so that the stress-strain characteristic eventually becomes horizontal and plastic deformation can continue indefinitely under constant stress. The method adopted for the proof of these theorems is to simulate the strain-hardening characteristic by imagining a large number of bars of ideal-plastic material to be placed in parallel and constrained to have the same elongation. In this way theorems are established which are closely analogous to those tha t apply to structures of ideal-plastic material and which are in a suitable form to enable plastic collapse and shakedown loads to be calculated.