A well-established method of constructing hash functions is to base them on non-compressing primitives, such as one-way functions or permutations. In this work, we present $$S^r$$Sr, an $$rn$$rn-to-$$n$$n-bit compression function (for $$r\ge 1$$r?1) making $$2r-1$$2r-1 calls to $$n$$n-to-$$n$$n-bit primitives (random functions or permutations). $$S^r$$Sr compresses its inputs at a rate (the amount of message blocks per primitive call) up to almost 1/2, and it outperforms all existing schemes with respect to rate and/or the size of underlying primitives. For instance, instantiated with the $$1600$$1600-bit permutation of NIST's SHA-3 hash function standard, it offers about $$800$$800-bit security at a rate of almost 1/2, while SHA-3-512 itself achieves only $$512$$512-bit security at a rate of about $$1/3$$1/3. We prove that $$S^r$$Sr achieves asymptotically optimal collision security against semi-adaptive adversaries up to almost $$2^{n/2}$$2n/2 queries and that it can be made preimage secure up to $$2^n$$2n queries using a simple tweak.
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