Let ConvF (R) be the space of all non-empty closed convex sets in Euclidean space R endowed with the Fell topology. In this paper, we prove that ConvF (R) ≈ R × Q for every n > 1 whereas ConvF (R) ≈ R× I. Let Conv(X) be the set of all non-empty closed convex sets in a normed linear space X = (X, ‖·‖). We can consider various topologies on Conv(X). In the paper [6], the AR-property of the spaces Conv(X) with the Hausdorff metric topology, the Attouch-Wets topology, and the Wijsman topology has been studied. In this paper, we shall consider the Fell topology on Conv(X), which is generated by the sets of the form U− = {A ∈ Conv(X) | A ∩ U 6= ∅} and (X \K)+ = {A ∈ Conv(X) | A ⊂ X \K}, where U is open and K is compact in X. This topology is also defined on the set Conv∗(X) = Conv(X) ∪ {∅}. By ConvF (X) and ConvF (X), we denote the spaces Conv∗(X) and Conv(X) admitting the Fell topology. In case X is finite-dimensional (equivalently locally compact), ConvF (X) is a locally compact metrizable space and ConvF (X) is its Alexandorff onepoint compactification. It is easy to see that ConvF ((0, 1)) is homeomorphic to (≈) the triangle with two vertices removed, ∆ {(0, 0), (1, 1)}, where ∆ = {(x, y) ∈ I | x 6 y} ⊂ I. Since ConvF (R) ≈ ConvF ((0, 1)), we have ConvF (R) ≈ ∆ {(0, 0), (1, 1)} ≈ R× I, hence it follows that ConvF (R) ≈ ∆/{(0, 0), (1, 1)} ≈ (S × I)/({pt} × I), 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 54B20, 54D05, 54E45, 57N20.
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