Investor sentiment is a key indicator of market performance. Many have studied how investor sentiment affects market returns or returns of different categories of stocks. Besides, many also studied how information revealed in media can affect the housing market. This paper focuses on the sentiment revealed in social media, Tweet, by combining these two key factors that have not been studied. This paper studies the spillover effect of stock market sentiment on the housing market by applying Vector Autoregression. The VAR model helps explain the relationship between housing prices and stock market sentiment from tweets, where sentiments are divided into sentiment intensity and sentiment uncertainty. The series of sentiment intensity and series of housing prices interact with each other, and the change in sentiment in the last period spills over to the housing market which affects housing prices, but the change in housing price does not affect sentiment in reverse. Similarly, the series of sentiment uncertainty and the series of housing prices interact with each other, and the change in sentiment diversity in the last period also spills over to the housing market which affects housing prices, but the change in housing price does not affect sentiment in reverse.