The best-known peripheral neuropathies are those affecting the large, myelinated motor and sensory fibers. These have well-established immunological causes and therapies. Far less is known about the somatic and autonomic "small fibers"; the unmyelinated C-fibers, thinly myelinated A-deltas, and postganglionic sympathetics. The small fibers sense pain and itch, innervate internal organs and tissues, and modulate the inflammatory and immune responses. Symptoms of small-fiber neuropathy include chronic pain and itch, sensory impairment, edema, and skin color, temperature, and sweating changes. Small-fiber polyneuropathy (SFPN) also causes cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and urological symptoms, the neurologic origin of which often remains unrecognized. Routine electrodiagnostic study does not detect SFPN, so skin biopsies immunolabeled to reveal axons are recommended for diagnostic confirmation. Preliminary evidence suggests that dysimmunity causes some cases of small-fiber neuropathy. Several autoimmune diseases, including Sjögren and celiac, are associated with painful small-fiber ganglionopathy and distal axonopathy, and some patients with "idiopathic" SFPN have evidence of organ-specific dysimmunity, including serological markers. Dysimmune SFPN first came into focus in children and teenagers as they lack other risk factors, for example diabetes or toxic exposures. In them, the rudimentary evidence suggests humoral rather than cellular mechanisms and complement consumption. Preliminary evidence supports efficacy of corticosteroids and immunoglobulins in carefully selected children and adult patients. This paper reviews the evidence of immune causality and the limited data regarding immunotherapy for small-fiber-predominant ganglionitis, regional neuropathy (complex regional pain syndrome), and distal SFPN. These demonstrate the need to develop case definitions and outcome metrics to improve diagnosis, enable prospective trials, and dissect the mechanisms of small-fiber neuropathy.
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