It is not uncommon to find that Christians are blamed for contributing to the destruction of the environment – a view that derives from the Biblical precept that ‘man was given dominion over the earth’ (cf. Gen. 1:28). The current state of the environment indicates that humankind has indeed ravaged the earth, but it could be argued that this has occurred through greed, covetousness, materialism, competitiveness and short-sightedness which are specific human traits in conflict with God and Christianity. Furthermore, the true significance of the ‘dominion over the earth’ tenet is invariably overlooked. Having dominion over the earth means that man has the responsibility of representing God on earth; of ruling as His co-regents or, put differently, acting as His stewards or custodians of His creation. It is argued that environmental stewardship is a dimension of the Christian stewardship ethic that is inherent in the Christian faith. This article reports on research undertaken with ministers, lecturers and students of the United Reformed Church in Southern Africa who were asked to provide their views on Christian stewardship as a requisite component of their role as leaders and aspirant leaders in the Church. Perspectives on environmental stewardship as a dimension of the Christian stewardship ethic were also probed. The research showed that respondents were unanimous in their understanding that Christian stewardship is Biblically founded and mandated and that environmental stewardship is part of that ethic. However, environmental stewardship is inadequately provided for in Church teaching and seminary training programmes. This article examines respondents’ views on the above and puts forward ways in which environmental stewardship could be enhanced and promoted. Dit is nie ongewoon dat Christene daarvoor geblameer word dat hulle bydra tot die vernietiging van die omgewing nie – ʼn beskouing wat afkomstig is van die Bybelse voorskrif dat “die mens heerskappy oor die aarde gegee is” (vgl. Gen. 1:28). Die huidige toestand waarin die omgewing verkeer dui daarop dat die mens inderdaad die aarde verniel het. Daar kan egter aangevoer word dat hebsug, gierigheid, materialisme, mededingendheid en kortsigtigheid, wat spesifieke menslike eienskappe is wat in konflik met God en met Christenskap is, hiertoe aanleiding gegee het. Die ware betekenis van die beginsel van “heerskappy oor die aarde” word boonop keer op keer misgekyk. Om heerskappy oor die aarde te hê beteken dat die mens die verantwoordelikheid het om God se verteenwoordigers op aarde te wees; om as Sy medeheersers te regeer of, anders gestel, as Sy toesighouers of bewaarders van Sy skepping op te tree. Daar word aangevoer dat rentmeesterskap van die omgewing ʼn dimensie van die Christelike rentmeesterskapsetos is wat eie aan die Christelike geloof is. Hierdie artikel doen verslag oor navorsing wat onder predikante, dosente en studente van die Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk in Suider-Afrika gedoen is. Die deelnemers is gevra om hul menings te gee oor Christelike rentmeesterskap as ʼn noodsaaklike komponent van hul rol as leiers en aspirantleiers in die kerk. Perspektiewe oor omgewingsrentmeesterskap as ʼn dimensie van die Christelike rentmeesterskapsetos is ook ondersoek. Die navorsing het getoon dat respondente eensgesind was ten opsigte van hul siening dat Christelike rentmeesterskap op die Bybel gegrond is en Bybelse mandaat het, en dat omgewingsrentmeesterskap deel is van daardie etos. Daar word egter nie na behore vir omgewingsrentmeesterskap voorsiening gemaak in die kerk se onderrig- en seminariese opleidingsprogramme nie. Hierdie artikel bestudeer respondente se sienings oor die bogenoemde en stel maniere voor waarop omgewingsrentmeesterskap versterk en bevorder kan word.
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